
Do I Need To Do Anything, Or Does My Site Just Get A Free Boost?

Browser makers have to make sure it’s safe to just restore pages like this, and the problem is many sites are not written with the expectation that a page can be restored like this and think (not entirely unreasonably!) that when the page is navigated away from that the u...

Why Is The Back/Forward Cache So Much Faster?

Browser makers have to make sure it’s safe to just restore pages like this, and the problem is many sites are not written with the expectation that a page can be restored like this and think (not entirely unreasonably!) that when the page is navigated away from that the u...

Performance Game Changer: Browser Back/Forward Cache

Browser makers have to make sure it’s safe to just restore pages like this, and the problem is many sites are not written with the expectation that a page can be restored like this and think (not entirely unreasonably!) that when the page is navigated away from that the u...